Hey there, Fangirls! Since the recent release of the latest Captain America movie, Emily & I have been whispering Hail Hydra any chance we get. We do it because it’s silly, but in reality, it’s super scary stuff. Of course, all villains are scary, that’s the point. But when it’s a secretive, world wide organization focused on world domination. Now that’s some spooky stuff.
Things like this freak me out. I tend to apply a lot of things that happen in worlds like comic books to our actually world, thinking about if it were all true. When Hydra is looked at in that light, which is very easy to do seeing as a lot of it could really make sense, I get chills. And yes, they are multiplyin’.
As I mentioned before, Hydra is a very large organization, set to dominate the world. Hydra isn’t an acronym for anything, just a spooky & intimidating title referencing the mythical creature. Their title of course pairs with the motto “If a head is cut off, two more take it’s place” So surely, Hydra is out to freak every one the fuck out and then take them over.
The History of Hydra is rather detailed, and seems to date & trace back to early Japan. But as far as we’re concern, we have Baron Wolfgang von Strucker to blame. Von Strucker was a man higher up on the Nazi chain. The group/Wolfgang went toe to tow with people like Magneto, Charles Xavier, & Nick Fury. Eventually, S.H.I.E.L.D was formed almost exclusively to counter act the actions of Hydra.
Then after it’s initial beginnings, Hydra continued on to fuck shit up all over the Marvel Universe. Most commonly in recent popular culture, Hydra has been featured in the Captain America movies, throwing in a lot of scary, crazy, plot twists. A good introduction to Hydra is in the first Cap movie, which I most definitely recommend. Then, head to the theater to catch the second one for a good mind blowing.
The only thing scarier than one scary villain, is an army of them trying to discreetly take over the world. So thank you, Hydra, for always keeping me on my toes. Letting myself think that you only exist in the Marvel universe will only make me more vulnerable when you decide to sneak up on us all. Watch out, Fangirls.
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